Monday, April 23, 2018

Meaning of SEO

What do you mean by SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization is the process of getting more traffic of website from "free, organic, natural" on search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc.. SEO optimization followed by rules and policies which is generated by search engines to get high rank of the website. Meaning of SEO will be affecting the online visibility and online content of a website or individual web pages in search engines. Seo is the subset of search engine marketing. Meaning of SEO, the way increasing the traffic of website or website pages with the help of on page and off page techniques. In search engine optimization divides by two white-hat SEO and black-hat SEO, these topics which help to get more meaning of SEO. Grey hat SEO is nothing but a something between white hat SEO and black hat SEO. Meaning of SEO includes a process of meta title, meta description, URL, good content and keyword optimizations which helps to get high rank in website or website pages.

Search Eningine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a continuous process which helps to make a website or individual web pages in the top of search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc... Meaning of SEO is the best method of getting high quantity and quality traffic of website or individual web pages through organic search engine results.